Friday, 22 March 2024

Ex pag 33

5- Match A to B to form phrases. Then listen and repeat. 

tied -- up 

hold -- a meeting

 give -- a presentation

 make -- arrangements

 check -- your calendar 

take -- place 

6- Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct response.

 Is Friday mid-afternoon convenient for you? No, I'm afraid I'll be tied up all day. 

Can you confirm the date for the meeting with the software testers? Just a moment, I'll check the calendar.

 Have you made a list of all the participants? Yes, all the members of the customer relations department.

 Are you free on Wednesday afternoon at 13:00? I'm sorry. I already have something planned.

 Unfortunately, I'm busy all day on the 30th. Let's look for another date that is convenient for us both.

 It's important you attend the meeting with Electrastore Parts. You'll learn a lot of essential information.

 Has the meeting with the programmers been scheduled? Not yet, I have to check when Ms Carson is available.

 I'm sorry, I have a previous commitment in the morning. Don't worry. We can rearrange for another day.

7- Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences. 

At eight o'clock, I have a video conference scheduled with the IT company in Miami. 

The meeting will start at one o'clock sharp. You mustn't be late. 

We've prepared some light refreshments - coffee, tea, cake and fruit.

 The only equipment I'll need at the software conference is my laptop. 

Participants will receive a pack containing all the information from the smartphone presentation. 

We'll have a short break at half past two. 

8- Copy and complete the sentences. Use the words in bold to help you. 

You can't schedule two meetings for the same person at the same time. 

When people are tied up, it means they are busy. 

If a meeting starts at 9.00 sharp, it won't start later.

 Light refreshments include things like coffee and tea. 

When a time is convenient for you, it means that you are free. 

You have a break when you want to stop working for a few minutes.

Thursday, 21 March 2024


Arraning a meeting

Attend the meeting: Asisti a la reunio

break: Descans

busy: ocupat

check you calendar: consulta el teu calendari

confirm: Corfirmar

convenient: convenient

equipment: equipament

free: lliure

give a presentation: fer una presentació

hold a meeting: fer una reunió

light refreshments: viscolavis

make arrangements: fer arranjaments

pack: paquet

participants: participants

previous commitment: compromís previ

schedule: programar

sharp: agut

take place: agafar lloc

tied up: lligat

video conference: Videoconferecia


Alternative date: Data alternativa

appointment: cita

arrange: arranjar

cancel:  cancel·lar

feel ill: robarse malament

get lost: perde's

got the dates mixed up: tindre les dates mesclades

held up in a traffic jam: retingut

leave...urgently:  marxar urgentment

participate participar

postpone: proposar

reorganise: reorganitzar

reschedule programar

running late: fer tard

suit triatge: triatge

switch: canviar


Half past: dos quarts

o'clock: en punt

quarter past: un quart pasat

quarter to: un quart per a

ten past de i deu

twenty to: menos vint


absent: abstent

adjourn: aplacar

boarderoom sala de juntes

chairperson president

conference call trucada de conferència

delay retard

instead en canvi

make it: fero

minutes minuts

punctual puntual

verify verificar 

vote votar

wrap up embolicar

Friday, 15 March 2024


 A: Hello, we called Gerard.

B:Hello, I’m Gea and I’m you pc repairment.

A: I need you to fix my computer.

B:OK, what's the matter in your PC.

A: The computer does not start.

B: So check that the power cable is connected correctly.

A: No, check it, please.

B:OK, one moment please.

A: How long will you be.

B: 5 minutes.

A: OK, I'll wait outside.

B: So check that the power cable is connected correctly.

A: How much does the repair cost.

B: 500€

A: How cheap, thank you

B: Yes, it’s a discount, bye bye

A: Ok thank you very much bye

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Excercici page 31

Ex 4 page 31

1.Thank you calling. I'll be happy to assist you againin the future.

2.I don't know what to do. What do you suggesst?

3. I can't remember exactly what you order. I'll check my record.

4. The order hasn't arrived yet. i'T must be lost in the post.

Ex 5 pag 31

1. similar

2. Not similar



5. Not similar


Ex 6 pag 31 

1. If the product is in its original box, I can give you a full refund

2.I want compensation for the inconvenience you have caused me.

3. We finally foubnd what was causing the problem. It was a faulty part

4.There's a lot mof competition in this area, so our company has been losing business

5. Check that fan. It's making a noise

6.This part doesn't where it's supposed to.

Ex 7 pag 31

1.Customer relation respresentative

2.Customer relation respresentative

3. Customer

4.Customer relation respresentative


6.Customer relation respresentative



ex 8 pag 31

1 return

2 under warranty

3 refused

4 refund

5 compensation

6 make a claim

Monday, 4 March 2024


A: Thank you four calling Word of computers.

B: Hello. I'm interesed interesed in purchasing a number of laptops or tablets. We need them for our school.

A: Please hold the line. I'll put you thorng to our marketing department. What's your name, please?

B: It's Mrs Simpson

A: Good morning. May I ask what the problem is please?

B: Yes, i think  i've been overchanged for the scanners we ordered.

A: I'm sorry about that. What's your customer number, please?

B: It's SP 1289

A: Ok, hold on and i'll put you throught to the accounts deparment. They'll be whit you shortly.

A: Hello. I'm calling because i've got a problem whit one of the heatskimg you send us

B: I'm sorry to hear that. Can you describe the problem ,please?

A: When I start the computer, it doesn´t turn on.

B: Oh, i see. Please hold the line and i'll put you through to the IT maintenance departament. I'm sorry the line is busy right now. Let me take your name and number. I'll get a tecnician to get back to you.


A: Gràcies quatre trucant Word d'ordinadors.

B: Hola. Estic interessat en comprar una sèrie d'ordinadors portàtils o tauletes. Els necessitem per a la nostra escola.

A: Si us plau, mantingui la línia. Et posaré al nostre departament de màrqueting. Com et dius, si us plau?

B: És la senyora Simpso

A: Bon dia. Puc preguntar quin és el problema, si us plau?

B: Sí, crec que m'han canviat els escàners que vam demanar.

A: Ho sento. Quin és el vostre número de client, si us plau?

B: És SP 1289

A: D'acord, espera i et posaré al departament de comptabilitat. Estaran amb tu en breu.

A: Hola. Estic trucant perquè tinc un problema amb un dels heatskimg que ens envieu

B: Em sap greu escoltar-ho. Pots descriure el problema, si us plau?

A: Quan engego l'ordinador, no s'encén.

B: Oh, ja veig. Si us plau, mantingui la línia i et posaré en contacte amb el departament de manteniment informàtic. Ho sento, la línia està ocupada ara mateix. Deixa'm agafar el teu nom i número. Faré que un tècnic us torni.



charge: càrrega, cobrament

complaint: queixa

customer number: número de client, identificador

damaged: danyat

discuss it: parlar-ho, debatir-ho

enquiry: petició

get back to you: tornar a tu

hold the line: esperar, no penjar

opening times: horaris d'obertura

overcharge: cobrar de més

quote: pressupost

satisfied: satisfet

shipping date: data d'enviament


assist: ajudar

at our expense: a costa nostra

check my records: revisar el historial

compensation: compensació

credited to our account: acreditat al nostre compte

defect: defecte

doesn't fit: no encaixa

error: error

faulty part: part defectuosa

losing business: perdent clientela

lost in the post: extraviat a l'enviament

make a claim: fer una reclamació

making a noise: fent soroll

missing a part: falta una part

refund: reemborsament

refuse: refusar

return: retornar 

suggest: suggerència

the wrong item: objecte erroni

under warranty: en garantia


broken: trencat

customer satifaction: satisfacció del client

disappointed: decebut, enfurismat

displeased: disconforme

dissatisfaction: insatisfet

feedback: opinió, ressenya

file a lawsuit: arxivar una queixa, (o denúncia)

financial director: director de finances

inappropriate: inapropiat

lose business: perdre clientela

managing director: director executiu


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