Monday 26 February 2024


 A: Thank you for calling World of Computer.  How can I help you?

B: Hello. I'm interesed in purchasing a number of lapotps or tablets. We need them for our school

A: Please hold the line. I'll put you throught to our sales and marketing departement. What's you name, please?

B: It's Mrs Simpons

A: Good morning. May I ask what the probelm is, please?

B: Yes, I think I've been overcharged for the scanners we ordered

A: I'm sorry about that. What's your customer number, please?

B: It's SP 1289

A: OK, hold on and I'll put you through to the accounts departamet. Tthey'll be whit you shoert.

A: Hello, I'm calling because I've got problem whit one of heatsink yous send


B: I'm sorry yo hear that. Can you describe the problem, please?

A: When, I start the omputer. It doesn't turn on.

B: Oh, I see. Please hold the linje andI'll you thourh to the IT maintence  departament. I'm sorry the line is busy right now. Let me take you name and number. I'll get a tecnicioan to get back to you.

Friday 9 February 2024


 A: Can I speak to Chloe Burns in tech support, please?

B: Just a moment, i'll put you on hold... I'm sorry. I'm afraid that Chloe is unavailable at the moment. She's in a meeting whit a client. Can I transfer you to Bill Jones from the same departament?

A: No, I'd rather speak to Chloe directly.

B: OK, I Understand.

A: Could you ask her to return my call, please? We've got a problem whit our accouting program. We need a solution urgently.

B: Let me write down your name and contact detail.

A: It's Steave McGough.

B: Can you spell you last name, plase?

A: Yes, of course. It's M-C-G-O-U-G-H. And my phone number is 061 209 992?

B: OK, lET ME CECK THAT. iT'S 061 209 992?

A: No, it's 922 at the end . 061 209 922

B: 061 209 922. OK. And the message is to call you urgently about software problem.

A: Tath's right.

B: I expet her to be free at around 1.00.

Friday 2 February 2024


Phone calls

As soon as possible- Tan aviat posible

avoid- evitar

be careful- amb cuidado

caller- la persona que fa la trucada

contact- contacte

dial a number- marcar un numero 

engaged- linia ocupada

extension number-  numero d'extencio

no reply-sense resposta 

on the line- en linea

professional- professional

put you through- contacte 

remind- recordar

repeat- repetir

ring back- tornar a trucar

speak up- parlar fort

state- anomenar

wrong number- numero incorrecte

Answer calls and taking messages

cut off- tallarse la trucada

deal whit- tractar amb

expect- esperar

hang up- penjar

in a meeting- en una reunio

interrupt- interomput

leave a message- deixar un missatge

line is busy- linia ocupada

on holiday- de vacanses

out of the office- fora de la oficina

out of town- fora de la ciutat

put you on hald- possar en espera

return you call- retornar a la trucada

spell that- deletrejar

take a mesage- agafaer el misatge

take down- anotar

transfer- transferir

unaviable- no disponible

urgent- urgent


Bad connection- mala conexio

call back-tornar a trucar

 calling on behalt of- trucada de part de 

clearly- clarament

end a conversation- fin de la conversacio 

get throug- comunicar-se

interference- interficie

line is free- linia lliure

offer assitance- oferir ajuda

speak alittle morse slowly- parlar mes a poc a poc

take a call- agafar la trucada

voicemail- misatge de veu 

would you mind...?- te importaria...


E-MAILING attachment- archiu adjunt blind carbon copy- Copia oculta carbon caopy- duplicat e-mail client- Client e-mail embed-Insertar filte...