Monday, 29 January 2024


Listening: Angles

 A: Good morning, Compuset helpline. Melanie speaking. How may I help you?

B: Hello, it's Dave Smith here from CopyShop. Can you tell me if you've got any of the X300 RAM chips in stock?

A: Have you got the item number, please?

B: Yes, it's 15480

A: Just a moment, Mr Smith, I'll check for you. Please stay on the line.

B: Sure

A: Tank you for waiting. Yes, we've got 10 of those in stock

B: Great. I'll come in later this week.

A: Can I help you whit anything else today?

B: Yes. Unfortunately, we haf a problem whit the laest software update you sold us

A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr Smith. I'll put you through to a support technician.

Listening: Catala

A:Bon mati, compuset helpline. Melani parlant. Com et puc ajudar?

B:Hola, Es Dave Smith  de CopyShop. Em podries dir si tens alguna ram x300 a la venta?

A: Tens el numero d'article, siusplau?

B: Yes es 15480

A: Un moment, Sr. Smith, deijam mirartu. Siusplau manteneixte a la trucada 

B: Claro.

A: Gracies per esperar. Si, tenim 10 a la venta

B: Perfecte, vindre despues aquesta setmana

A: Et puc ajudar amb una altra cosa avui?

B: Si, malafortunadament, tinc un problema amb la ultima actualitzacio del software que mas vengut.

A: Oh, o sentpe sentir aixo, Sr. smith. et puc donar ajuda tecnica

Thursday, 18 January 2024

Giving direction



When you leave the house the first step is to turn left, at the interseccion turn left again at the roundabout, in the roundabout take the second exit and pull straight to the first house of the village

Thursday, 11 January 2024



Control panel- Panel control

Losser connection- Conexio perduda

mute box- Botor de silenciar- 

No signal message- No senyal

Power button-Boto de poder

Volume control- Volum de control


Freeze- Congelat

Log off- Tanca sessio

Make sure-Asegurar-se

Press and hold- Presionar i mantenir

Reconnect- Reconectar




Resrtart- Reiniciar

Shut down- Apagar


Anti-virus- software- Antivirus

Back up- Copia de seguretat

Follow instructions- Seguir instrucions

Lose- Perdre

Password- Contrasenya 

Recover- Recuperar


Aiport- Aeroport

Department store- Grans magatzems

Entrance- Entrada

Exit- Sortida

Factory- Fabrica

Ground floor-Planta baja

Library-BibliotecaTake the first left/ right-

Lift- Ascensor

Off- site- Foro de les instrucions

On-site- Dintre de les instrucions

Post office- Coreus

Reception- Recepcio

Shopping centre- Centre comercial

Sport centre- Centre esportius

Stairs- Escaleres 

Train station- Estacio de tren


At the corridor- Al passadis

Go straight- Segueix recte

On your left/right- A la teva dreta/ esquerra

Opposite- Davant de

Turn left/right- Gira dreta o esquerra


Assist- Assistencia 

At the traffic lisght- Al semafor
Breakdown- Desglosament

Curropt files- FItxer corruptes

Cross the road- Creuar el carrer

Debugging- Depuracio

Diagnose- Diagnosticar
Maintenance- Manteniment
Manual- Manual

Performance- Rendiment

Problem solving- Solucionar problemes
Recovery- Recuperacio 

Reset- Resetejar 

Take the first left/ right- Agafeu la primera a l'esquerra/dreta


E-MAILING attachment- archiu adjunt blind carbon copy- Copia oculta carbon caopy- duplicat e-mail client- Client e-mail embed-Insertar filte...