Monday, 18 September 2023

At a trade exhibition


 Good morning. Can I help you? 

Yes, I'm looking for the Banking Plus exhibit.

That's exhibit number 218

Thank you

Excuse me. Can you tell me where exhibit 345 is?

Let me check. It's an exhibit of apps for the automobile industry. It's over there whit the red sign.

I see it, thanks

I'm interestered in software for education.

Just moment... Ok, you want exhibit numbes 107, 159 and 96. Here's a map to help you.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Enjoy the exhibition


Bon dia. Puc B ajudarte 

Si, estic buscant l'exhibicio de la Banca Plus

Aqyuesta exibicio es la numero 218


Perdonam, Em pots dir on esta l'exhibicio 345

Deixam mirar, es una exhibicio de aplicacions per la industria automobilistica. Es aqui junt a la senyal vermella

Ho vec , gracies

Estic interesat pel programa de l'educacio

Un moment....Vale, tu busques la exhibixio numero 107, 159 and 96. Aixo es un mapa per ajudarte


Venvingut, Disfruta la exhibicio

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