Thursday, 28 September 2023


Ex 6 Pag 7

            A                        B
1. Solve               a. a webpage 3            
2. Operate            b. problems 1
3. Design              c. the conections  6
4. Give                  d. support 4
5. Input                 e. date 5
6. Check               a machibne  2

Ex7 pag 7

1.We need a graphic designer to design for our new company.

2.We solve to user in businesses, offices and at home

3. My job is to help giving over the phone

4. If yhe monitos doesn't work, check at the back of the system unit.

5. It takes time to input into the computer

6. They operate on the production line.

Ex 8 pag 7

1.This person writes software for computers.  Programmer      

2..This person helps clients whit IT problems over the telephone. Helpdesk technician

3..This person  manages the day-to-day running of a computer network. Network administrator

4..This person  fixes software and hardware problems. Suport techinian

5.This person test new products before they are in the shop. Sotftware tester

6.This person develops and designs webpages. Web designer

7.This person  putsinformation into a computer. Data entry operator

Friday, 22 September 2023

Unit 1 vocabulary



Apps- Aplicacions

Data- Datos

Hardware- Hardware

Keyboard- Teclat

laptop-  Portatil

monitor- Pantalla

mouse- Ratoli

server- Servidor

software- software

system unit- Sistema


Banking- Banca

Business and retail- Comerç

Education- Estudis

Health- Salut

Hospitality and leisure- Hoteleria i oci

Manufacturing- Manofactura

Transport- Trasport


Ten- 10

Twenty- 20

thirty- 30

forty- 40

fifty- 50

sixty- 60

seventy- 70

eighty- 80

ninety- 90

one hundred- 100

five hundred- 500

one thousand- 1000

one thousand five hundred- 1500


Assemble- Montar

check- cheque

Design- Diseny

Dowload- Descargar

Give- Donar

Input- Entrada

Install- Instalar

Maintain- Mantener

Operate- Manejar

Repair- Reparar

Solve- Resoldre

Startup-  Enjegat

Test- Examen

Troubleshoot- Resoldre

Upgrade (n)- Actualitzar

upload- Penjar


Data entry operator- Operador d'entrada de dades

Helpdesk technician- Tècnic/a d'assistència-

Network administration- Administració de xarxes

programmer-  Progrmador

Sotware tester- Provador de Sotware

Support technincian- Tècnic de suport

Web designer- Dissenyador web


Client- Client

Company- Companyia 

over the phone- Per telèfon 

resposible-  Responsable

role- Rol

skill- habilitat

support- recolzar

team- equip

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Woking with Vocabulary

 5. Listen and repeat. Then match the words to the pictures.

1. Keyboard

2. Monitor

3. Mouse

4. Laptop

5. System unit

6. Server

6. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences.

1. Data is another word for information

2. Apps are programs you can use on your smartphone.

3. Hardware mens the physical parts of a computer.

4. Sodtware is another word for computer programs

7.Listen and repeat the word in colour. Then match the business sectors in A to the statements in B

1. health  D. This hospital uses the latest technology.
2.transport  F. This is our newest car!

3.Education  A. We've got laptops in my school.

4.Manufacturing  E. We make mobie phones on our production line

5.Banking C. You can see financial information online

6.Business and retail B.I've got an online clothes shop

7. Hospitality and leisure G. Customer can reserve rooms on our website

8. Listen and repeat

10- ten             80- eighty

20- twenty       90- ninety

30- thirty         100- one hundred

40- forty          500- five hundred

50- fifty           1.000- one thousand

60- sixty         1.500- one thousand five hundred
70- seventy

9.Write the numbers in your notebook.

1. Five hundred and sixty-three 563

2. Eight hundred and seventy-one 871

3.One thouand and twenty 1020

4. Four thousand and thirteen 4013

5. One thousand, four hundred and thirty-fout 1434

6. Seven thousand, six houndred and ninety-one 7691

Monday, 18 September 2023

At a trade exhibition


 Good morning. Can I help you? 

Yes, I'm looking for the Banking Plus exhibit.

That's exhibit number 218

Thank you

Excuse me. Can you tell me where exhibit 345 is?

Let me check. It's an exhibit of apps for the automobile industry. It's over there whit the red sign.

I see it, thanks

I'm interestered in software for education.

Just moment... Ok, you want exhibit numbes 107, 159 and 96. Here's a map to help you.

Thank you.

You're welcome. Enjoy the exhibition


Bon dia. Puc B ajudarte 

Si, estic buscant l'exhibicio de la Banca Plus

Aqyuesta exibicio es la numero 218


Perdonam, Em pots dir on esta l'exhibicio 345

Deixam mirar, es una exhibicio de aplicacions per la industria automobilistica. Es aqui junt a la senyal vermella

Ho vec , gracies

Estic interesat pel programa de l'educacio

Un moment....Vale, tu busques la exhibixio numero 107, 159 and 96. Aixo es un mapa per ajudarte


Venvingut, Disfruta la exhibicio


E-MAILING attachment- archiu adjunt blind carbon copy- Copia oculta carbon caopy- duplicat e-mail client- Client e-mail embed-Insertar filte...