Thursday, 14 December 2023

Exercicie pag 19

Ex 5 pag 19 

LIsten and repeat the words in colour in A. Then match them to their definitions in B.

1.Portable : easy to carry around

2. Superfast: very speedy 

3. Dependable: not likely to fail

4. Compact: using a small space 

5. Sturdy:  Built to be strong

Ex 7 pag 19

Copy and complete the review below with the word not used in Exercici 6.

Nice and 1.flexible  for work everywhere! The new  2.slimeline    tablet (0,5 cm)  has got   3.built in   WI-FI, for Internet connection o the go. Its  4.hig resolution  screen is perfect for doing graphic work. Is a of tghe range really is a model. 

Ex 9 pag 19

Which ajdectives in Exercises 5-8 can describe the itmes below?

A laptop: Sturdy, portable, secure, slimeline, top of the range, powerfull

A printer: all in one, practical, reliable, 

A mouse: ergonomic, reliable, simple, flexible, top of the range, portqable

A smartwatch: allin one, top of the range, powerfull, practical, hig resolution,  

Monday, 4 December 2023



Data de lliurament- Data de lliurament

Fes un descompte- Descompte

factura- factura

esgotat- Agotat

data de pagament- Data de pagament

pàgayments- Pagament

Preu- Preu

qualitat- Qualitat

Preu per unitat- Preu de unitat

qualitat- Qualitat

Quantitat- Quantitat

Subtotal- Subtotal



compte- Compte

Efectiu- Efectiu

Carrega-ho- Carrega-ho

Ceque- comprovar

Targeta de crèdit- Targeta de crèdit

Enviament i manipulació- Enviament i manipulacio

Enviament- Enviament


tot dins- Tot en un

incorporar- Incorporar

Compacte- Compacte

complicar- Complicat

fiable- Fiable 

Ergonòmic- Ergonòmic

flexible- Flexible 

Alta resolució- Alta resolució 

portàtil- Portatil 

Potent- Potent

pràctica- Pràctica

fiable- Fiable 

segur- Segur

Simple- Simple 

Slimline- molt prim

Resistent- Robust

Superràpid- Super ràpid

Top de gamma- Top de gamma

Fàcil d'usar- Facil d'utilitzar

pantalla ampla- pantalla ampla


Accessible- Accessible

Compatible- Compatible

Convenient- Convenient

Despeses d'enviament- Gastos d'envio

Realitzar una comanda- Realitzar una comanda

ruction- Distribucio

escassetat- Escasez

sofisticat- Sofisticat 

peces de recanvi- repost 

oferta especial- oferta especial

especialitzat- Especialitzat 

stockatking- inventari

supply chain- cadena de suministre 

magatzem- Dipòsit

Friday, 1 December 2023


To: Enplayers

From: Boss

Subject: Buy things

Hello, This email is to talk fo the inventori

Of the Ram chips we have 9 for this month is ok but for the next month its bad, the Sound car we have very good no need to buy,We need to buy a x10 TPS hard drivess of the news models because there are the best in the actuality because we have only 3 also we have urgent buy CPUs I think if buy 15 units its ok this si important because we don't have any, of teh Heatsink & fans we have 2 broken but this is ok for now.

This is all we have to buy i hope you buy the object fast please

bye bye


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